services for organizations

Sometimes it helps to get an outside perspective or have a thought partner to help formulate ideas, conceptualize projects, or analyze information. Bella Mattina provides a variety of consultation options focused on quality leadership practices for agencies and leadership academies.

consulting for organizations

Everyone can benefit from the knowledge and experiences of someone else, as well as the back-and-forth conversation that ensues when sharing information. This is especially helpful when you are conversing with someone who knows the landscape of administration in early care and education, has worked with leadership and coaching projects around the country, has knowledge of how leadership is embedded into Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS), and understands the research behind leadership practices. By consulting with Jill, both parties will walk away with new insights and ideas for improving leadership in early care and education.

Regional or state use of the Program Administration Scale, 3rd Edition (PAS-3)

Are you considering embedding the Program Administration Scale into a state Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) or project? If so, Jill can provide you with ideas for what to include, data to help inform your decisions, and information on systems development.

Leadership academy development

As a leader in the development and coordination of multiple nationally recognized leadership academies, Jill can help you envision or refine your leadership academy by offering consultation on considerations for pre- and post-assessments, purpose, content, timeframe, follow-up, assignments, outcomes, project evaluation, and more!

Custom consulting

Jill has consulted on state initiatives on assessment tools and leadership academies. Her knowledge of national projects is beneficial when individualizing for your unique needs.


"Jill Bella provided an excellent training for our community that supported our Early Care and Education program leaders to understand and better navigate the challenges they face in both their day-to-day jobs and in supporting their program for long term quality improvement. All of the participants raved about the training and how they felt both heard and supported throughout the two-day experience."

– Maegan Lokteff, Executive Director, Early Childhood Council Leadership Alliance (ECCLA)